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Omens of War Signet Guide (Anguish)


You will need to collect 7 Signets:

Two-Toned SignetDranik’s Scar Instance

 Dust-Marred Signet The Ruined City of Dranik (Catacombs of Dranik Instance)

 Discolored Signet The Ruined City of Dranik (Sewers of Dranik Instance)

Weather-Worn Signet The Ruined City of Dranik. As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off of “dragorn” type mobs in The Ruined City of Dranik, MPG, and Wall of Slaughter.

 Tarnished Signet Wall of Slaughter. As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off of “dragorn” type mobs in The Ruined City of Dranik, MPG, and Wall of Slaughter.

 Glimmering Signet Muramite Proving Grounds. As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off of “dragorn” type mobs in The Ruined City of Dranik, MPG, and Wall of Slaughter.

 Crystal-Gemmed SignetRiftseekers’ Sanctum. As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off “pyrilen” type mobs in Riftseekers’ Sanctum.

Check out the YouTube >> VIDEO GUIDE <<


Once you have all 7 head to Taromani in Riftseekers’ Sanctum for the final turn-in:

– Say “favors” to receive Taromani’s Insignia Case.
– Put all 7 Signets into the case and hit combine to receive Full Insignia Case.
Give Full Insignia Case back to Taromani to receive your flag:


Two-Toned Signet (Dranik’s Scar Instances)

Who: Grand Historian Gersh (Instance Trigger), a Shrewd Dragorn (Signet Named)
Where: Dranik’s Scar (Instances)
Required Players: 3 to Open Instance
Phrase: caves


Say “caves” to Grand Historian Gersh in Dranik’s Scar to be given 1 of 3 instances. He will assign one at random. You’ll see a pink marker on your compass indicating where the zone in is (similar to LDON). View the hover links to see spawn location of a Shrewd Dragorn in each of the dungeons. He spawns in all 3. You do not need to clear the instance, you can just invis through.

Murkgliders Hive
Fire Pit
Watering Hole

a Shrewd Dragorn will drop 6x Two-Toned Signet. Level 70 recommended to spawn the named (lower levels untested).

 Dust-Marred Signet The Ruined City of Dranik (Catacombs of Dranik Instance)

Who: Grand Historian Ryuga (Instance Trigger), Insidious Dragorn (Signet Named)
Where: The Ruined City of Dranik (Catacombs of Dranik Instance)
Required Players: 3 to Open Instance
Phrase: catacombs


Say “catacombs” to Grand Historian Ryuga in The Ruined City of Dranik to be given the Catacombs of Dranik instance. You’ll see a pink marker on your compass indicating where the zone in is (similar to LDON). You do not need to clear the instance, you can just invis through mostly. It is recommended to clear his room out first as it is fairly packed full of mobs. He appears to spawn every time.

Insidious Dragorn spawn location:

Insidious Dragorn will drop  6x Dust-Marred Signet. Level 70 recommended to spawn the named (lower levels untested).



 Discolored Signet The Ruined City of Dranik (Sewers of Dranik Instance)

Who: Grand Historian Ryuga (Instance Trigger), a Cunning Dragorn (Signet Named)
Where: The Ruined City of Dranik (Sewers of Dranik Instance)
Required Players: 3 to Open Instance
Phrase: sewers


Say “catacombs” to Grand Historian Ryuga in The Ruined City of Dranik to be given the Sewers of Dranik instance. You’ll see a pink marker on your compass indicating where the zone in is (similar to LDON). You do not need to clear the entire instance, you can just invis through mostly. However I did run into the occassional see invis mob. There are also traps that will break your invisibility.

It is recommended to clear his room out first as it is fairly packed full of mobs. He appears to spawn every time.

a Cunning Dragorn spawn location:


a Cunning Dragorn will drop   6x Discolored Signet. Level 70 recommended to spawn the named (lower levels untested).



Weather-Worn Signet (The Ruined City of Dranik)

Who: a Dragorn Prodigy (named) // a dragorn turncoat (PH)
Where: The Ruined City of Dranik

PH for a Dragorn Prodigy are spread all around the zone.  More than 1 a Dragorn Prodigy can be up at once. I’ve personally seen all 5 up at once.

a Dragorn Prodigy will drop   1x Weather-Worn Signet.

As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off of “dragorn” type mobs in The Ruined City of Dranik, MPG, and Wall of Slaughter.




 Tarnished Signet (Wall of Slaughter)

Who: a Dragorn Mastermind (named) // a dragorn serf (PH)
Where: Wall of Slaughter

PH for a Dragorn Mastermind are spread all around the zone.  More than 1 a Dragorn Mastermind can be up at once.

a Dragorn Mastermind will drop   1x Tarnished Signet.

As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off of “dragorn” type mobs in The Ruined City of Dranik, MPG, and Wall of Slaughter.

 Glimmering Signet
(Muramite Proving Grounds)

Who: a Dragorn Tactician (named) // a dragorn sentinel (PH)
Where: Muramite Proving Grounds

PH for a Dragorn Tactician are spread all around the zone.  More than 1 a Dragorn Tactician can be up at once.

You’ll see a lot more than 5 a dragorn sentinel on tracking if all the PH’s are up. However, there are only 5 PH’s for the Tactician. The additional sentinels are random trash spawns that have the same name, it does not mean they are all a PH. Stick to the locations on the map.

a Dragorn Tactician will drop   1x Glimmering Signet.

As of 5/18/22 patch, also has a chance to drop off of “dragorn” type mobs in The Ruined City of Dranik, MPG, and Wall of Slaughter.




 Crystal-Gemmed Signet (Riftseekers’ Sanctum)


Who: a Dragorn Battlemaster (named) // a pyrilen guard (Fire PH), a gelidran researcher (Ice PH)
Where: Riftseekers’ Sanctum

PH for a Dragorn Battlemaster are spread all around the zone.  More than 1 a Dragorn Battlemaster can be up at once.

a Dragorn Battlemaster will drop   1x Crystal-Gemmed Signet.

As of 5/18/22 patch also has a chance to drop off “pyrilen” type mobs in Riftseekers’ Sanctum.




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