Beastlord 1.5 Epic Pre-Quest Guide


This quest will make you eligible to start the Beastlord 1.5 Epic Quest if you have not completed the Beastlord 1.0 Epic.

Potentially Pre-farmable Steps

**Not all are 100% confirmed pre-lootable, just something you may want to review before beginning the quest**

Step 2 Loot 2x Gem of the Void from Death/Xin Thall mobs in Maiden’s Eye. Loot 1x Chunk of Dense Fungal Padding from mushrooms in The Deep. Loot 1x Perfect Acrylia Ore from traps in The Grey
Step 4 – Farm 2x Ukun Hide from Ukun mobs in Gates of Discord
Step 5 – Get Tailoring to 100. Get Brewing to 122.
Step 6 – Craft Acid Wash with Brewing

Step 1

Go to Shar Vhal and locate Elder Animist Muada (-170, +460). He is up on the second floor. Follow his dialogue:

“Hail” him
– Say “feel able”
– Say “dedication”


Step 2

Obtain the following 4 items:

2x Gem of the Void – Drops from Xi Xaui or “death” model mobs in Maiden’s Eye. They spawn and roam all over the place. Also may drop from Xin Thall Centien (not confirmed). Uncommon Drop. Get two.

1x Chunk of Dense Fungal Padding – Drops from an ancient shrieker in The Deep. Uncommon Drop. Also occasionally drops of a shrieker.


1x Perfect Acrylia Ore – Drops from Golems (such as a bolder fiend) that spawn from traps in The Grey. Only trap golems will drop the ore. Uncommon Drop.


Step 3

1) Go to Shar Vahl and locate Weapons Master Rahoul. Use “Find” on High Armsman Trukhanah. Weapons Master Rahoul is right by him. Give Weapons Master Rahoul:

2x Gem of the Void
1x Chunk of Dense Fungal Padding
1x Perfect Acrylia Ore

Say “willing”
Say “adornments”
You’ll receive Adornments Pattern

2) Give him 2000pp to receive Plain Beastlord Statuette


Step 4

Farm 2x Ukun Hide from Ukun type mobs in Gates of Discord. I farmed mine in Qinimi. Uncommon Drop. I got both in 1 clear (maybe lucky).

Step 5

1) Get Tailoring to 100: Tailoring Guide
2) Get Brewing to 122: Brewing Guide

Step 6

Make Acid Wash (tradable). This is a 151 Brewing Combine. This combine is cheap easy and so you can just do it yourself. Failures are not much of a loss.

Acid Wash (tradable) – Brewing Trivial 151
1x Jar of Acid – Bought (Kanio Paerk — Plane of Knowledge – Use Find — Western Trader Building)
3x Celestial Essence – Crafted (Baking, Trivial 15, Mixing Bowl, creates 3)
      1x Concentrated Celestial Solvent – Bought (Darius Gandril, Western Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +55, +1520)
      3x The Scent of Marr – Bought (Loran Thu’Leth, Western Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -115, +1400)


Step 7

1) In a Brewing Barrel: Combine 2x Ukun Hide and 1x Acid Wash to create Tanned Ukun Leather. 100 minimum skill – possibly no fail?

2) In a Large Sewing Kit (Planar Kits/Looms don’t work): Combine Tanned Ukun Leather and Adornments Pattern to create Crafted Tassels. 100 minimum skill – no fail.

3) In a Large Sewing Kit (Planar Kits/Looms don’t work): Combine Crafted Tassels and Plain Beastlord Statuette to receive Decorated Statuette of the Feral. 100 minimum skill – no fail.

Step 8

Go back to Shar Vhal and locate Elder Animist Muada (-170, +460). He is up on the second floor. Give him Decorated Statuette of the Feral. You’re now eligible to start the 1.5 Epic Quest. You’ll see emote:


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