1 – 50

  Free! Gnomes start at Skill 50 upon creation.


51 – 102


Stalking Probe

2x Gears
Metal Rod

Combine in Toolbox

1x Bottle – Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Firewater
Crafted (Tinkering, Trivial 17, Toolbox)
     1x Water Flask Bought (Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)

     1x Gnomish Spirits – Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

2x Gears
 – Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

Metal Rod
Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)




103 – 215

Geerlok Automated Hammer

Gnomish Bolts
Smithy Hammer
Small Piece of Acrylia

Combine in Toolbox

Three things to note with this recipe:

1. Smithy Hammer is consumed each combine, so it’s best to be standing near the Blacksmith Vendor to buy more.
2. At skill level 103, you might have to do combines manually until you successfully make one. I find it’s worth the extra work vs the alternative options, which are more time consuming and expensive (Aqualung and Rebreather).
3. You need Acrylia from Acrylia Caverns

1x Gears Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Sprockets
Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

x Grease
Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Gnomish Bolts
Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Smithy Hammer
Bought Borik Darkanvil, Southeastern Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)

1x Small Piece of Acrylia
Dropped (Acrylia Caverns Trash Mobs – These can be broken down from larger sized blocks/bricks via smithing chisel)

216-236 – More Geerlok!

Starting at 216 you are going to spend a lot of time farming items. If Legacy of Ykesha is unlocked, you can get to 236 making Geerlok items. If it’s not then you should move onto making PoP Bow Cams starting at 216 (see next section).

Neither of these recipes are fast or easy, but doing Geerlok items is a good alternative if you aren’t able to farm Bow Cam materials easily. On a more advanced or live server, there may be better options.

There are four items that you can farm simultaneously for the Geerlok Combines:  Maneater Roots, Scorpion Venom Gland, Silver Tipped Quill, Waterlogged Rigging. They can all be found in The Gulf of Gunthak from the mobs on the beach except for the Maneater Roots, which are found in the corridor.

216 – 222

Geerlok Alchemy Set


Gnomish Bolts
Set of Vials
Maneater Roots

Combine in Toolbox

1x Gears Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Sprockets Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Gnomish Bolts
(Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Set of Vials
Bought (The Gulf of Gunthak, Kwyllon Geerlok, Inside Lighthouse, PoK | Loc: +1500, -220)

1x Maneater Roots Dropped (The Gulf of Gunthak, “lotus” mobs in the corridor)

223 – 227

Geerlok Automated Pestle


Gnomish Bolts
Galvanized Pestle
Scorpion Venom Gland

Combine in Toolbox

1x Gears Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Sprockets Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Gnomish Bolts
(Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Galvanized Pestle
Bought (The Gulf of Gunthak, Kwyllon Geerlok, Inside Lighthouse, PoK | Loc: +1500, -220)
1x Scorpion Venom Gland Dropped
(The Gulf of Gunthak, “scorpion” mobs on the beach)


228 – 232

Geerlok Automated Quill


Gnomish Bolts
Lexicon Excerpts
Silver Tipped Quill

Combine in Toolbox

1x Gears Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Sprockets Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Gnomish Bolts
(Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Lexicon Excerpts
Bought (The Gulf of Gunthak, Kwyllon Geerlok, Inside Lighthouse, PoK | Loc: +1500, -220)

1x Silver Tipped Quill
(The Gulf of Gunthak, “skeleton” mobs on the beach)


233 – 236

Geerlok Clockwork Contraption


Gnomish Bolts
Contraption Parts
Waterlogged Rigging

Combine in Toolbox

1x Gears Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Sprockets
(Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Gnomish Bolts
(Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Contraption Parts
Bought (The Gulf of Gunthak, Kwyllon Geerlok, Inside Lighthouse | Loc: +1500, -220)

1x Waterlogged Rigging Dropped (The Gulf of Gunthak, “zombie” mobs on the beach)



237 – 282 – Elemental Bow Cams

There are four different Bow Cam recipes (one for each Elemental Plane), but the easiest to farm mats for are Fire and Earth. I’d stick to those unless you happen to have and have a surplus of mats from Water or Air. The bottleneck for the Bow Cams is the Clockwork Grease that you must forage in Plane of Innovation.

The recipe is the same for all four Bow Cams. The only difference is the drop that comes from each Elemental Plane to create bolts and gears. Fill in the “XXXXX” with any of the materials below.

Earth – Brick of Immaculate Steel: Makes Planar Steel Bolts/Gears
Fire – Brick of Molten Ore:
Makes Molten Metal Bolts/Gears
Water – Chunk of E’cian Ice:
Makes E`cian Ice Bolts/Gears
Air – Chunk of Wind Metal
: Makes Wind Metal Bolts/Gears


Combine in Toolbox

1x “Elemental Type” Gears – Crafted (Blacksmithing, Trivial 102, Forge, also returns “Elemental Type” Bolts)
     1x Cam Parts Mold
Bought (Ellis Cloudchaser, Western Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -120, +1470)
     1x XXXXX (Drop from Elemental Plane (see above) Dropped
(Elemental Planes trash)
     1x File – Crafted (Blacksmithing, Trivial 21, Forge, Returns on Combine)
                1x Water Flask – Bought
(Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)
                1x File Mold –   Bought
(Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)
                 1x Metal Bits – Crafted
(Blacksmithing, Trivial 18, Forge, Yields 2)
                        2x Small Piece of Ore – Bought
(Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)
                        1x Water Flask – Bought
(Perago Crotal, Eastern Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +16, +238)

1x “Elemental Type” Bolts See Elemental Type Gears” – Will be given upon combine

1x Jar of Clockwork Grease
– Crafted (Tinkering, Trivial 15, No Fail)
   2x Clockwork GreaseForaged (Plane of Innovation)
               1x Small Grease Jar Crafted (Pottery, Trivial 17, Kiln)

                       1x Quality Firing Sheet Bought (Elisha Dirtyshoes, Northern Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +400, +950)
1x Unfired Small Grease Jar – Crafted (Pottery, Trivial 31, Pottery Wheel)
                             1x Water Flask – Bought (Perago Crotal, Eastern Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +16, +238)
                             1x Block of Clay – Bought (Elisha Dirtyshoes, Northern Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +400, +950)
                             1x Small Grease Jar Sketch – Bought (Elisha Dirtyshoes, Northern Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +400, +950)


283 – 288

Crab Cracker

You can farm this and Wok at the same time. Drops for both are in Plane of Innovation.

Metal Rod
Knuckle Joint

Combine in Toolbox

1x Metal Rod – Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Knuckle JointDropped (Plane of Innovation, Drops off “model” type mobs. Uncommon Drop)

1x Firewater – Crafted (Tinkering, Trivial 17, Toolbox)
     1x Water Flask – Bought
(Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)
    1x Gnomish Spirits – Bought
(Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)


289 – 300


Metal Rod
Gnomish Bolts

Clockwork Carapace

Combine in Toolbox

1x Metal Rod Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x GreaseBought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

1x Gnomish Bolts Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

 1x Firewater – Crafted (Tinkering, Trivial 17, Toolbox)
1x Water Flask Bought (Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500)
1x Gnomish Spirits Bought (Tabben Bromal, Southeastern Trader Building, 2nd floor, PoK | Loc: -390, +540)

 1x Clockwork CarapaceDropped (Plane of Innovation, “clockwork” mobs)





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