Step 1
It is recommended to be Ally with Claws of Veeshan to do this quest, but you may be able to do it as low as Kindly (not verified).
Step 2
Collect 3 items:
Head of Staff Sergeant Drioc
Teachings of Gkrean
Chipped Fang
Head of Staff Sergeant Drioc
Drops from Staff Sergeant Drioc in Kael. He is inside the bank with other mobs that will aggro. Always drops.
– Hits 120 (with 35 Heroic Stamina)
– 22K HP
– Casts Greater Heal (350 Heal)
– Casts Lay of Hands (2000)
– Level 50
Teachings of Gkrean
Drops from Gkrean Prophet of Tallon in the Kael arena. PH is High Priest of Tallon Zek. Estimated 4 hour respawn (not 100% confirmed). He has 2 guards that are on ~25 minute respawn. Always drops.
– Hits 350+ ( with35 Heroic Stamina)
– 24K HP
– Level 58
– Slowable
– Casts Cleric-Type spells
Chipped Fang
Drops from Vilefang in Dragon Necropolis. It spawns in the Lake in the rat tunnels. Always drops. Estimated 24 hour respawn. Can be spawned in an instance.
– Hits 200+ (with 35 Heroic Stamina)
– 20K HP
– Level 60
– Procs Deadly Poison (Single Target, minor DoT)
– Procs Blinding Poison III (Single Target, Blind, Poison Based)
– Procs Muscle Lock IV (Single Target, Snare, Poison Based)
Step 3
1) Locate Rolandal in Wakening Lands.
2) Give the 3 items from Step 2 to Rolandal to receive Glanitar’s Imbued Talisman. Rolandal will despawn. It is recommended to be Ally with Claws of Veeshan to do this turn-in, but you may be able to do it as low as Kindly (unverified).
Head of Staff Sergeant Drioc
Teachings of Gkrean
Chipped Fang
Step 4
1) Locate Ralgyn in Skyshrine. He is in the room with a globe. This is way past the maze and is the last room before the port up to the raid dragon side of the zone. See pictures below.
2) Give Glanitar’s Imbued Talisman to Ralgyn to receive
Circlet of the Falinkan! Ralgyn will despawn. It is recommended to be Ally with Claws of Veeshan to do this turn-in, but you may be able to do it as low as Kindly (unverified).