Max Mana Item AA typically gets a new rank each new expansion on live.

– Some ranks of the first available items come out of order vs the expansion you’d expect to first see them in.

– Some ranks have no items in the game to activate them. These will be marked in the lists as N/A.

– Not every class can always use the “First Available” item in a given rank.


Max Mana
Rank Rank Name First Available Max Mana
1 Lesser Expanding Mind I No Item N/A
2 Lesser Expanding Mind II No Item N/A
3 Lesser Expanding Mind III No Item N/A
4 Lesser Expanding Mind IV No Item N/A
5 Koadic’s Expansive Mind SoL +250
6 Lesser Expanding Mind V No Item N/A
7 Lesser Expanding Mind VI No Item N/A
8 Maelin’s Meditation PoP +400
9 Reyfin’s Racing Thoughts GoD +450
10 Salik’s Expansive Mind SoF +500
11 Ellowind’s Expansive Mind TSS +550
12 Expanding Mind I SoF +600
13 Expanding Mind II SoD +650
14 Expanding Mind III UF +700
15 Expanding Mind IV UF +750
16 Expanding Mind V UF +800
17 Expanding Mind VI HoT +850
18 Expanding Mind VII HoT +900
19 Expanding Mind VIII VoA +950
20 Expanding Mind IX VoA +1000
21 Expanding Mind X RoF +1050
22 Expanding Mind XI RoF +1100
23 Expanding Mind XII RoF +1150
24 Expanding Mind XIII CotF +1200
25 Expanding Mind XIV CotF +1300
26 Expanding Mind XV TBM +1400
27 Expanding Mind XVI TDS +1500
28 Expanding Mind XVII RoS +1600
29 Expanding Mind XVIII TBM +1700
30 Expanding Mind XIX TBM +1800
31 Expanding Mind XX EoK +1900
32 Expanding Mind XXI RoS +2000
33 Expanding Mind XXII TBL +2200
34 Expanding Mind XXIII ToV +2400
35 Expanding Mind XXIV CoV +2600
36 Expanding Mind XXV ToL +2800
37 Expanding Mind XXVI NoS +3000


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