Reward |
Quest Items
Quest Room Turn-In NPC |
Drake-Hide Mask |
Azure Tessera (Tradable) Island 1: a thunder spirit
Black Face Paint (Tradable) Island 2: Protector of Sky
Worn Leather Mask (No Trade) Island 3: Gorgalosk
Will Treewalker
 1) Say “choose will” to Strandar Pinemist to receive The Long Walk.
2) Give The Long Walk back to Strandar Pinemist to spawn Will Treewalker.
3) Give the quest items to Will Treewalker.
Espri |
Efreeti Scimitar (Tradable) Island 1.5: Noble Dojorn Island 4: Overseer of Air Island 8: the Hand of Veeshan
Fire Sky Ruby (Tradable) Island 7: “sphinx”, “drake”, and “spirit” type mobs. Note the gem icon as there is another item with the same name used in the Shaman Quest
Lush Nectar (Tradable) Island 6: Bzzazzt/Bazzzazzt “Bees”
Storm Sky Opal (No Trade) Island 8: Eye of Veeshan
Fenalla Moonshadow

1) Say “choose fenalla” to Strandar Pinemist to receive The Gift.
2) Give The Gift back to Strandar Pinemist to spawn Fenalla Moonshadow.
3) Give the quest items to Fenalla Moonshadow.
Honeycomb Belt |
Divine Honeycomb (No Trade) Island 6: Bazzt Zzzt
Efreeti Statuette (Tradable) Island 4: “soul” and “essence” griffons, also Eternal Spirit (but unconfirmed)
Wilder’s Girdle (Tradable) Island 5: “spiroc” type mobs, The Spiroc Guardian
Fenalla Moonshadow

1) Say “choose fenalla” to Strandar Pinemist to receive The Gift.
2) Give The Gift back to Strandar Pinemist to spawn Fenalla Moonshadow.
3) Give the quest items to Fenalla Moonshadow.
Nature Walker’s Mantle |
Copper Disc (Tradable) Island 2: an azarack
Mantle of Woven Grass (No Trade) Island 4: Keeper of Souls
Nature Walker’s Sky Emerald (Tradable) Island 3: a gorgalask/a gust of wind/a sprited harpie/a watchful guard
Will Treewalker
 1) Say “choose will” to Strandar Pinemist to receive The Long Walk.
2) Give The Long Walk back to Strandar Pinemist to spawn Will Treewalker.
3) Give the quest items to Will Treewalker.
Shillelagh |
Diaphanous Globe (Tradable) Island 3: a crystaline cloud/a gust of wind/a shimmering meteor
Hardened Clay (Tradable) Island 4: “soul” and “essence” carrier/tamers
Spiroc Battle Staff (No Trade) Island 5: The Spiroc Lord
Will Treewalker
 1) Say “choose will” to Strandar Pinemist to receive The Long Walk.
2) Give The Long Walk back to Strandar Pinemist to spawn Will Treewalker.
3) Give the quest items to Will Treewalker.
Spiroc Banisher Focus |
Acidic Venom (Tradable) Island 6: Bazzzazzt/Bizazzzt/Bizzzzt/Bzzzt/Bzizzzt “bee” mobs
Ethereal Ruby (No Trade) Island 7: Sister of the Spire
Spiroc Elder’s Totem (No Trade) Island 5: The Spiroc Lord
White-Tipped Spiroc Feather (Tradable) Island 5: “spiroc” type mobs, The Spiroc Guardian
Fenalla Moonshadow

1) Say “choose fenalla” to Strandar Pinemist to receive The Gift.
2) Give The Gift back to Strandar Pinemist to spawn Fenalla Moonshadow.
3) Give the quest items to Fenalla Moonshadow.