All Plane of Sky Keys go on your Key Ring. As of 12/7/21 they key ring is now in the achievement tab. You can type /key to see this window. Shown below are the PoSky key achievements:
Nothing in the zone sees invisibility so you can move around freely while invis.
Sirran the Lunatic is the Turn-In NPC for most of the keys, he spawns individually on every Island once triggered by players. He despawns after about 20 minutes.
There are a total of 10 Islands in Plane of Sky:
Island 1 – Thunder Spirit/Zone In Island
Quest Island
Island 1.5 – Noble Dojorn/Monk Epic Island
Island 2 – Azarack Island
Island 3 – Harpy Island
Island 4 – Pegasus Island
Island 5 – Spiroc (Bird) Island
Island 6 – Bee Island
Island 7 – Drake/Sphinx Island
Island 8 – Eye of Veeshan Island
There are a total of 9 Keys in Plane of Sky:
Efreeti’s Key – Grants Access to Quest Island
Key of Swords – Grants Access to Island 1.5
Key of the Misplaced – Grants Access to Island 2
Key of Misfortune – Grants Access to
Key of Beasts – Grants Access to Island 4
Avian Key – Grants Access to Island 5
Key of the Swarm – Grants Access to Island 6
Key of Scale – Grants Access to Island 7
Veeshan’s Key – Grants Access to Island 8
Access to Quest Island: Efreeti’s Key
Efreeti’s Key can be purchased for free from Key Master on Island 1.
Access to Island 1.5: Key of Swords
1) Key of Swords can be purchased from Key Master on Island 1 for 210pp.
2) You can also kill a thunder spirit and loot Miniature Sword. Next, kill a thunder spirit princess to spawn Sirran the Lunatic. Give Sirran the Lunatic your
Miniature Sword to receive
Key of Swords.
Access to Island 2: Key of the Misplaced
1) Key of the Misplaced can be purchased from Key Master on Island 1 for 105pp.
2) You can also kill a thunder spirit and loot Lost Rabbit’s Foot. Next, kill a thunder spirit princess to spawn Sirran the Lunatic. Give Sirran the Lunatic your
Lost Rabbit’s Foot to receive
Key of the Misplaced.
Access to Island 3: Key of Misfortune
Loot Broken Mirror from an azarack on Island 2. Kill all an azarack on the island to spawn Protector of the Sky. Kill Protector of the Sky to spawn Sirran the Lunatic. Give Sirran the Lunatic your
Broken Mirror to receive
Key of Misfortune.
Access to Island 4: Key of Beasts
Loot Animal Figurine from trash mobs on Island 3. Inside the Windmill you’ll find Gorgalosk. Kill it to spawn Sirran the Lunatic. Clear his general area so you don’t get adds during the fight. Give Sirran the Lunatic your
Animal Figurine to receive
Key of Beasts.
Access to Island 5: Avian Key
Loot Bird Whistle from an essence harvester or a soul harvester on Island 4. After killing the first mob on the island a hidden timer starts to spawn Keeper of Souls. It may take up to an hour for him to spawn. He Death Touches. Once he does spawn kill him to spawn Sirran the Lunatic. Give Sirran the Lunatic
Bird Whistle to receive
Avian Key.
Access to Island 6: Key of the Swarm
Loot Noise Maker from a spiroc vanquisher on Island 5. Next kill The Spiroc Lord to spawn Sirran the Lunatic. The Spiroc Lord Death Touches and also instantly respawns if any other mob on the island is still up. It is recommended to kill him far away from his spawn point so he doesn’t instantly aggro you upon respawn. Give Sirran the Lunatic
Noise Maker to receive
Key of the Swarm.
Access to Island 7: Key of Scale
On Island 6 you’ll need to complete a named Bee boss event. During the event look for Dull Dragon Scale to drop from Bzzazzt or Bazzt Zzzt. You need to kill all the Bee’s until the Queen Bee Bazzt Zzzt spawns (she death touches). Once the Queen Bee Bazzt Zzzt is dead Sirren the Lunatic will spawn. Give Sirren the Lunatic
Dull Dragon Scale to receive
Key of Scale.
**Important: Before going up to the next island say the phrase “?llaw eht htiw eno i ma” to Sirran the Lunatic. This will cause Sister of the Spire to spawn on Island 7.**
Access to Island 8: Veeshan’s Key
**Important: Before beginning this Key make sure you have done the appropriate step back on Island 6 (See Key of Scale) to spawn Sister of the Spire.
Once Sister of the Spire is up on Island 7 you’re ready to begin. Loot Replica of the Wyrm Queen from trash mobs off Island 7. The drakes Gravity Flux and the Sphinx’s Death Touch. Kill Sister of the Spire to spawn Sirren the Lunatic. Give Sirren the Lunatic
Replica of the Wyrm Queen to receive
Veeshan’s Key
Island 8: Eye of Veeshan
On Island 8 you’ll find the zones final boss Eye of Veeshan. It is pretty easy, but does Death Touch. You may also find the Hand of Veeshan, who also Death Touches, but will only be up if you killed Noble Dojorn and Overseer of Air on prior Islands.