To begin this quest you must have completed the Shaman 1.5 Epic Quest.
Potentially Pre-lootable Steps (assuming OoW is unlocked):
Step 11 – Dragon Necropolis – Loot 2x Spirit-Touched Phased Spider Thorax from a phase spider (not confirmed)
Step 16 – Anguish – Loot Globe of Discordant Energy
Step 1
Go to West Freeport and find Elder Spirit of Enlightenment. It is inside The Jade Tiger’s Den on the second floor.
Say “carry on” to receive emote:
Step 2
Go to Fungus Grove and locate Lupot Nukla.
Say “force” to receive emote:
Step 3
Get a group and go to Kod’Taz, Broken Trial Grounds and locate Undari Perunea. Hail her. This will spawn
Ikaav Spiritstealer nearby. Kill it and loot Necklace of Perseverance.
Step 4
Go back to Fungus Grove and locate Lupot Nukla. Give him Necklace of Perseverance. Follow his dialogue with the last keyword being “talisman”.
Step 5
Go to Plane of Storms. Look for a tree in the northeast corner of the zone (+2050, -1350). When you target it it has no name. Get close to it and Darkened Chanting Woodspirit will spawn along with 5x a woodspirit vineguard. None of them see invis. Kill it all and loot Piece of Moaning Timber. This is doable with 2 groups.
Step 6
Go back to Fungus Grove and locate Lupot Nukla. Give him Piece of Moaning Timber to receive
Impervious Medicine Bag.
Step 7
Go back to West Freeport and find Elder Spirit of Enlightenment in The Jade Tiger’s Den. Give it
Impervious Medicine Bag.
Say “discord”
Say “seek”
you’ll receive Pouch of Spirit Dust (6-slot container).
Step 8
1) Get a couple groups together and go to Nobles’ Causeway and locate Kupiop Iku (+1810, -470).
2) Say “ready”. This will spawn an epic version of Murkglider School Leader nearby. If the regular Murkglider School Leader boss is already up then you’ll need to kill that before you can spawn the Epic version. Adds spawn during the fight but will despawn when the boss dies. Kill it and loot Slight Trace of a Spirit.
Step 9
Go to The Ruined City of Dranik and locate Bloated Girplan (+120, -1800). He is a rare spawn in Red Circle room on the map. Kill PH’s until he spawns. Approx 25 min respawn timer on PH’s. It’s easiest to have a few people to camp the PH’s, and killing the Bloated Girplan might take up to a couple of groups in era. Kill it and loot Reviving Potion of Might.
– Casts Disconcerting Presence (PBAE, 400/tick Mana Drain, Diseased Based)
– Has a lot of HP
Step 10
Go to Muramite Proving Grounds with a group and locate Stilled Lightning Warrior. When you get close Lightning Warrior Spiritseeker and 2 adds will spawn. This boss casts a drunk effect. Kill him and it’s adds. Loot Glowing Trace of Might.
Step 11
Go to Dragon Necropolis. Kill a phase spider until you get 2x Spirit-Touched Phased Spider Thorax. a phase spider spawns all over the zone. You’ll see them as soon as you zone in. Seems to be a semi-common drop.
Step 12
Combine the following into Pouch of Spirit Dust (6-slot container):
Glowing Trace of Might
Reviving Potion of Might
Slight Trace of Spirit
2x Spirit-Touched Phased Spider Thorax
to create Glowing Spirit Charm of Might
Step 13
Go back to West Freeport and find Elder Spirit of Enlightenment in The Jade Tiger’s Den. Give it
Glowing Spirit Charm of Might.
– Say “spiritcaller”
– Say “survive”
Step 14
1) Form a medium to large raid and go to Wall of Slaughter and locate Hudar Tritton (-900, +150).
2) Say “fooled”. This will spawn Discordling Spiritcaller and 2x a spiritbound feran on top of the wall (See Map). Kill it and loot Spiritcaller Beads.
– Hits 1800+
– Casts Grip of Mental Reality (Targeted AE, -300 Mana Drain/tick, -50 Casting Skill, -500 Mana Pool, Cold Based)
– Adds cast Deathly Chants (PBAE, -1500 Mana Pool and small HP DoT, Diseased Based, Curse Counter)
– When each of the a spiritbound feran dies 3x adds spawn will spawn in its place. Kill them.
Step 15
1) Go back to West Freeport and find Elder Spirit of Enlightenment in The Jade Tiger’s Den.
2) Give it Spiritcaller Beads to receive emote:
**If you already have Globe of Discordant Energy from Anguish make sure to turn it in AFTER you turn in your
Spiritcaller Beads (aka move onto step 17). Do not hand them in at the same time. This is to be safe so you don’t mess up your hidden flags.**
Step 16
Raid Anguish, the Fallen Palace and obtain a Globe of Discordant Energy.
Drops from the following events:
Keldovan the Harrier/Jelvan (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
Warden Hanvar/Ture (only one of the two based on who you kill last)
Arch Magus Vangl
Overlord Mata Muram
Step 17
1) Go back to West Freeport and find Elder Spirit of Enlightenment in The Jade Tiger’s Den. Give it
Globe of Discordant Energy.
2) Say “prepared for the ceremony” to Elder Spirit of Enlightenment. It will begin to path outside. Follow it. This starts a dialogue script that takes 5-10 minutes. You will see several Spirits spawn.
Wait until you see the clickable dialogue box. You’ll say “faithful heyokah” then you will give Elder Spirit of Enlightenment your 1.5 Epic: Crafted Talisman of Fates to receive your
2.0 Epic: Blessed Spiritstaff of the Heyokah!
Click here to see the full dialogue