The Deep Raid Quick Guide

The Burrower Beast Event

This event has 8 waves of mobs. Wave 8 is the final boss.

 a rock burrower type mobs in the first 3 waves are all slowable, but nothing else in the event is.

Wave Spawn Timers
Wave 1 – Start
Wave 2 – 4 minutes
Wave 3 – 8.5 minutes
Wave 4 – 13 minutes
Wave 5 – 17.5 minutes
Wave 6 – 22 minutes
Wave 7 – 27 minutes
Wave 8 (boss) – 36 minutes

Wave 1
6x a rock burrower
3x a spined rock burrower
3x a stone carver
– trivial trash-type mobs

Wave 2
8x a rock burrower
4x a spined rock burrower
– trivial trash-type mobs

Wave 3
8x a rock burrower
2x a stone carver
– trivial trash-type mobs
*Maybe 12 mobs here? Log shows 10 only*

Wave 4

6x a core burrower
– Hits 250+

Wave 5
6x a core burrower
– Hits 250+

Wave 6

6x a core burrower
– Hits 250+

Wave 7
2x a parasite larva
– Hits 400+

Wave 8
1x a burrower parasite
(final boss)
– Flurries
– Not Slowable
– Hits 1700+
– Approx. 1.1 million HP


Thought Horror Overfiend

Thought Horror Overfiend spawns in the back of the zone. He is permarooted so it’s easy to pull the trash out of his room. He should be tanked with a Warrior because he does a single target mana drain which can make difficult for Knights if the fight lasts a long time. His strongest ability is Feeblemind, a PBAE that essentially increases your fizzle rate. It can be curse cured. Keep him slowed.

– Permarooted
– Slowable
– Hits 1200+
– Flurries
– Casts Feeblemind (PBAE, – 800 Mana Pool/-200 Spell Casting Skill (increased fizzle rate)/5 HP DoT, 9 counter curse cure, Unresistable)
– Casts Thought Drain (Single Target, -200 Mana/Tick Drain, Unresistable)
– Casts Overfiend’s Fury (PBAE, Small DoT and DD, 5% slow,  -200 Magic Based)
– Approx. 1 million HP

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