Warrior 1.5 Epic Pre-Quest Guide
This quest will make you eligible to start the Warrior 1.5 Epic Quest if you have not completed the Warrior 1.0 Epic.
Potentially Pre-farmable Steps
**Not all are 100% confirmed pre-lootable, just something you may want to review before beginning the quest**
Step 2 – Kill The Diaku Overseer in Plane of Tactics – Loot Korbuk’s Weapon Plans
Step 4 – Kill Shoqui the Forgotten in Hate’s Fury – Loot Elegant Shank
Step 7 – Kill Drevlon Knacknabber in East Karana – Loot Redblade Family Sword
Step 10 – Get Brewing to 100
Step 1
Go to Dranik’s Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350).
Say “plans” to receive emote:
Step 2
Go to Plane of Tactics and find The Diaku Overseer. He spawns in the basement and has no PH. Respawns roughly every 12 hours? (Not confirmed). This might take a group at most in OoW era. Kill him and loot
Korbuk’s Weapon Plans.
Step 3
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). Give him Korbuk’s Weapon Plans. He will hand it back.
Say “shank”
Step 4
Go to Hate’s Fury and locate Shoqui the Forgotten. He is a rare named who spawns in Red Circle on the map. Kill him and loot Elegant Shank. 25 min respawn timer on PH’s.
Step 5
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). Give him Elegant Shank. He will give it back and also give an emote:
Step 6
Go to East Freeport and locate Kargek Redblade(-1300, -385).
Say “korbuk brimblade sent me to help”
Say “sword”
say “who did it”
say “find drevlon”
Step 7
Go to East Karana and find Drevlon Knacknabber. Is only up between 7pm and 9am gametime (unverified). He does roam a bit once he spawns. Kill him and loot Redblade Family Sword.
Step 8
Go back to East Freeport and locate Kargek Redblade (-1300, -385). Give him Redblade Family Sword to receive
Emblazoned Champion’s Hilt.
Step 9
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). Give him Emblazoned Champion’s Hilt. He will give it back and emote:
Say “job” after you recieve the item back.
Step 10
Get Brewing to 100: Brewing Guide
Step 11
1) Go to Thurgadin and find the merchant Petcas Coldbeard. Buy 3x Generic Coffee Beans. Then give him
35pp to receive
Special Beans.
2) Combine the 3x Generic Coffee Beans together in a Brewing Barrel to create
Generic Coffee Blend.
3) Combine Generic Coffee Blend with
Special Beans in a Brewing Barrel to create
Coldain Coffee Blend.
Step 12
1) While still in Thurgadin, look for Dardek Bladewright. You’ll find him in the Yellow Circle as a dwarf that does not have a name. He is laying down. Hail him, and he will turn into Dardek Bladewright.
2) Give Coldain Coffee Blend to Dardek Bladewright. He will emote and begin to path (follow yellow arrows on Map.
3) Once he arrives at his destination — Underbelly’s Arms. He will emote again:
4) At this point give him Emblazoned Champion’s Hilt,
Elegant Shank,
Korbuk’s Weapon Plans to receive
Dardek’s Forged Blade.
Step 13
Go back to Dranik’s Scar and locate Korbuk Brimblade (-1050, -1350). Give him Dardek’s Forged Blade to receive
Korbuk’s Blade of Mastery. You’re now eligible to start the 1.5 Epic Quest!