Kod’Taz Progression Guide #3
Temple of the Damned
Gates of Discord


This guide picks up where >> Kod’Taz Progression Guide #2: Martyrs Passage << left off.

Step 1

1) Speak to Kevren Nalavat in Kod’Taz and follow his dialogue:

“Hail” him
Say “problem”
Say “discover their plans”

Full Dialogue >> HERE<<

2) With a group, go a little south of Kevren Nalavat inside the temple. You’ll find a pile of bones on the ground in the far east room. Kill it to spawn a group event. Kill all mobs, loot  4x Glyph of the Damned (Loot 1x from each of the Guardian’s. They are LORE, but different items). There are 24 total, so if you have a 6 person group everyone can loot a set of 4.

4x Pixxt Priest Guardians attack. They are slowable and mezzable. Kill them. Once they die Pixtt Priest Summoner becomes active. It is unslowable and hits 1800+ (35 Heroic Stamina). Kill it.

3) Go back to Kevren Nalavat in Kod’Taz. Give him 4x Glyph of the Damned. He will hand them back and you’ll receive an emote:

Step 2

1) If you didn’t get 4x Pile of Dust already, do so now. They are ground spawns in the area below. They look like bags and are pretty common.


2) Locate Tublik Narwethar in Kod’Taz. Mobs can aggro you here so be careful.

“Hail” him
Say “crumbled sanctuary”
Say “look for clues”
Say “stone tablet”
Say “glyph of the damned”

Give him  1x Glyph of the Damned. He will give it back and give you Stone Tablet (8-slot container).

Full Dialogue >> HERE <<


 3) Combine the 4x Pile of Dust and 4x Glyph of the Damned inside Stone Tablet (8-slot container) to create Translated Glyph of the Damned.

Step 3

Go back to Kevren Nalavat in Kod’Taz. Give him Translated Glyph of the Damned. He will hand it back and emote. The
 Translated Glyph of the Damned is no longer be needed after this at any point.

You can now move onto >> Kod’Taz Progression Guide #4: Summoners Ring <<


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