Once you’re Amiable with Norrath’s Keepers faction you can begin Tier 2 Progression.
Step 1
Speak to Chieftan Relae Aderi in Lavstorm Mountains.
– “Hail” him
– Say “work” to receive a character flag.
See full dialogue >> HERE <<
Step 2
In the Norrath’s Keepers Camp, Hail Private Nylaen Kel`Ther, who is standing next to Chieftan Relae Aderi. You’ll receive 3 tasks upon hail. Complete all 3 of these Tasks.
Turn the Tides of the Sand
Recover the Lost Map
Defend the Kirin Contact
Task 1: Turn the Tides of the Sand
Go to Stillmoon Temple. Kill goblins and loot 7x Sandy Goblin Blood. Goblins can spawn all over the zone. The quest will auto-complete once you loot your 7th. Level 50-60 mobs. Common to Uncommon Drop.
Task 2: Recover the Lost Map
Go to The Ascent (You can access it via the upper level of Stillmoon Temple). Kill 9x Kirins. The quest will auto-complete once you kill your 9th Kirin. Level 60+ mobs. They are mostly found on the north half of the zone.
Task 3: Defend the Kirin Contact
Go to The Ascent (You can access it via the upper level of Stillmoon Temple). Kill pumas and/or leopards. They are found all over the zone. Loot 8x Shredded Map Piece. Common Drop.
Step 3
– Once all 3 Tasks are completed head back to Chieftan Relae Aderi at the Norrath’s Keepers camp in Lavastorm Mountains.
– Hail him to receive a character flag.
Step 4
Next up is a group mission. You’ll need at least 3 people to request it. In the Norrath’s Keepers Camp, Hail Keeper Dilar Nelune, who is standing next to Chieftan Relae Aderi to receive the mission Sickness of the Spirit.
You can find a full Mission Guide >> HERE <<
Step 5
Next is a raid that has a maximum of 24 players with a minimum of 6 to request it. You can use offline characters if needed to request it. Locate Lieutenant Ekiltu Verlor (Norrath’s Keepers) in Lavastorm Mountains and accept the raid Calling Emoush.
You can find a Guide >> HERE <<
Step 6
Once Calling Emoush has been completed and you looted Glowing Stone Fragment head back to Lavastorm Mountains and give
Glowing Stone Fragment to Chieftan Relae Aderi for an AA Reward and a Spell or Skill for your class.
NOTE: Don’t forget to turn in your Norrath’s Keeper Token to Tatsujiro the Serene for faction .
Tier 2 Reward: +3% to Base HP, +200 Max Mana, +200 Max Endurance. You will also receive a level 69 spell/tome.
Step 7
Complete more missions until you are High Amiable (300) faction then you can move onto Tier 3 Progression!